There is something else I am passionate about. Well ok, I am passionate about anything to do with my two sons and the Dallas Cowboys, too. DC4L! But that isn't what this blog is about for me and you.
I am passionate about the subject of mental illness.
Read that last paragraph again and concentrate on the last word...ILLNESS. I grew up thinking my problems reflected something unacceptable about me. I was broken. I was worthless. I was a complete failure. It was my fault I was so depressed and unable to fit into this world. I didn't seem to fit in even when I felt happy. I thought nobody could love someone like me.
The first time I thought about killing myself (I didn't know the word 'suicide' then) was in third grade. In college, after attempting suicide with pills a few times, I sought out therapy and began taking anti depressants. Almost 25 years later, I was finally diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. That was in 2007. However, it wasn't until 2012 and an inpatient hospital stay that I realized there was nothing unacceptable about me. I realized it was time to stop being my mental illness and start managing it. I didn't ask for mental illness and I didn't cause it. None of us ask for it anymore than someone asks to be struck with multiple sclerosis, which is, of course, just one of the many other serious illnesses like ours.
So what's the deal with this blog? Why am I here with you?
Simple. I want to reach out to you. I have always had the deep desire to help people. I have 15 plus years experience in training and call centers. I love sitting for 8 hours a day and helping people. You can be really good at helping someone if you believe in what you are helping with, just like the best sales people believe in their product. And man do I believe in mental illness! Also, as I mentioned at the beginning, I love to write (if I can just work in the Dallas Cowboys somehow, my life would be perfect). So, this blog is the best of both worlds!
Now, don't get me wrong. I DON'T believe in selling it as a crutch for us to use to get by in this world. I DO, however, believe that even with mental illness, we can lead life instead of life leading us.
I want to share the good and the bad. I want you to know my victories and my failures. I know they are exclusively mine. But if they can help you get through just one more minute of each day as you have your own experiences, then I want to share mine with you.
I want to share with you what I have gleaned about mental illness through websites like NAMI and NIHM, among others that can be trusted. After all, we probably have all heard that knowledge is power.
I want to encourage you to join the battle to end the stigma against mental illness. People believe mental illness doesn't exist. People say it is a fad. They say it is over diagnosed. Or they tell us to stop making excuses and get over it. They also think we don't need medication to function. People think a lot of things in general, and unfortunately, some of those thoughts work heavily against us. We can change that together!
I want to share what I have learned about current mental illness law. I'll get into that more another time, but I am certain you will be appalled at how lacking it is. Money is being spent in the wrong places. Families can't get help. Prisons have become the new hospitals. We need treatment before tragedy!
So, this is how short and concise I can get about my decision to blog for you (believe me, I could go on and on but then you would fall asleep). All of this and more is merrily floating around in my little brain and dying for my fingers to type it out. I hope you will walk down this road with me. If so, welcome to the party! Next time though, you bring the snacks...
Your sister in arms,

DC4L! Dallas Cowboys for Life! Try it. You'll love them. America's team! But hurry, there is less than 200 shopping days until the 2015 opening season kick off! Beware, all sales are final!
Your struggles come out powerfully in your words. I see three great ways your blog does a service to its readers. It serves to educate those unfamiliar with mental illness and it serves as a help to those who are likewise suffering and it can serve to be a therapeutic outlet. All three are important. Of the three, which do you believe your blog touches the most. All three are needed and equally important so that may be an unfair question. You needn't answer.